A Holistic Approach to Sales

I help sales people:

  1. Become More Motivated
  2. Create Work-Life Harmony

This empowers them to become happier, healthier and more effective at their jobs.

My approach is unique for two reasons:

  1. I coach your sales people 121 - just like life coaching but with my sales knowledge and insight
  2. I help them with challenges and goals that span work & personal life

Unlike sales typical sales training, I work with your sales people individually, taking a look at their health, wellbeing, challenges and goals in work and personal life. Where work challenges are concerned, I use my knowledge of sales to equip them with the solutions.

Unique Experience

Since 2009 I've progressed through sales roles for Edrington-Beam Suntory, William Grant & Sons, SAB Miller and Wadworth & Co to assemble and lead sales and customer service teams. I headed up sales at startup Sekforde Drinks and have independently consulted with distilleries to grow their sales. 

I founded a social enterprise business creating employment opportunities in Nairobi, distributing sustainable fashion accessories across central Africa and Europe. 

Following a career break to travel the world in 2019, I trained as a life coach and began coaching people through a range of personal goals and challenges.

My varied experience combined with my personal coaching and passion for applied psychology and personal development gives me a deep understanding into the real challenges and motivations of sales people.

Motivation Makes a Difference

Without intrinsic motivation - their personal reasons why - sales people's effectivess is limited.

Sales trainers work on increasing the skills of salespeople. While this is important, without the right motivation, knowledege is pointless. There are two kinds of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation: the desire to something for its inherent satisfaction; because it is enjoyable or personally rewarding. E.g. I'm motivated at work because I'm passionate about connecting with people, which I get to do every day.

Extrinsic motivation: doing something for what will be gained - some form of reward or avoiding punishment. E.g. I'm motivated to do my job because I get big bonuses and I want more money.

NOTE: Intrinsic motivation is born out of passion and leads to loving something, extrinsic motivation is born out of necesity (survival) and is not fulfilling.

Most sales people, and indeed employees in general [insert stat], are extrinsically motivated.

What increases motivation:

  1. Identifying parts of the role that are personally rewarding
  2. Discovering own strenghts and unique gifts
  3. Understanding how the role fits with their values and life overall
  4. Learning how to create work-life harmony

What decreases motivation:

  1. Fearing rejection from customers
  2. Fearing failure - missing targets, or under perfroming vs the rest of the team
  3. Not enjoying the job
  4. Feeling fatigued or burnt out

Everyone is unique and therefore so are their individual motivations.

121 coaching is so effective because it identifies what's going on for each member of the team. Together we identify the solutions, and create goals that bridge the gap between persnal and professional life. 

My definition of work-life harmony:

When work is aligned with personal values and goals so that work synergises harmoniously with the rest of life. When people achieve work-life harmony they feel mentally and physically healthy. They have a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment with life overall.

Sales Training Programmes

Look after your people's wellbeing and your business interests at the same time

FREE Introductory Coaching

60 Minute Session

In this session we will explore your challenge, discuss what you want to achieve and you will get a feel for me and how we would work together. The session will give you more awareness of what's going on under the surface - why you think, feel and act the way you. We will discuss what's holding you back and how you can move forward.

You will leave with a fresh perspective, greater clarity on your situation, what's holding you back and how you can move forward.

After the session you can decide whether you would  like further coaching.

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12 Week Coaching Programme

In this 12 week programme, you will discover why you think, feel and behave the way you do. We'll look at why you developed your specific strategy to cope with life's challenges. You will get a deep understaning of what really matters to you and how to create habits and routines that let you make time for those areas of your life. From session one, you will begin making transformational changes to start having the life you want.  We'll create ways to manage your internal and external pressures, expectations and motivations in work and life to achieve a healthy balance. 

By the end of the programme you will be more relaxed and in control of your life. You will feel empowered, to live by healthy routines and boundaries allowing you to feel more happy, healthy and fulfilled.

  • 6 x 1hr Coaching Sessions
  • Post session summary & action emails
  • Tailored exercises to enhance your progress


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Own Your Life

15 Week Transformation

Over 15 weeks, you will discover what makes you who you are. You'll come to understand your model of world, your personality, your tendancies, sabouters, values, drives and coping mechanisms.

We'll use this powerful new insights to create and execute a plan for you to make the transformations you want in your life.

You will be able clear on what you want to achieve and how you will get there. On a day to day basis, you will have time and energy for the things that matter to you. You can write and then live your own success story. You will feel more confident setting boundaries at work, while achieving all the things you want.

  • 15 x 1hr Coaching Sessions
  • Weekly accountability check in
  • Post session summary & action emails
  • Tailored exercises to enhance your progress


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What You'll Gain From Coaching

  • Discover your true values and hidden beliefs that drive your decisions
  • Achieve an greater awareness of your habits and tendencies and how these influence your life
  • Better habits and routines that allow you to create healthy barriers and spend your time in fulfilling ways
  • Techniques and strategies that will help you use your time more effectively, freeing yourself from things that distract you from whats important to you

What My Clients Say

"Through our sessions, I gained the confidence and motivation to actually start taking all the little steps that will lead to achieving what I want."

Susan, NZ

Many times I was engrossed in work, Simon would ask a question , which would make me hit the breaks and ask myself – ‘what's most important to me, am I over-prioritising work to the detriment of my home & family life?’. His view on work-life balance stuck with me ever since.

Alex, Horsham

Simon has empowered me to make important changes in my life. With his support, I explored my goal, developed a clear roadmap of practical actions to help me work less and find more time for myself.

Dani, London

Simon is an approachable and friendly coach, with a lot of life experience to bring to the table. I felt really supported and motivated to achieve my goals. Highly recommended.

Lulu, London

Money Back Guarantee

After every session you have the opportunity to evaluate what you're gaining from the experience and the results you're getting. If you are not entirely happy, I will refund you for the previous session and all remaining sessions. This is also dependent on you completing the exercises that we agree between sessions.

Refer a friend scheme

If you refer a friend for who signs up for coaching with me during your sessions, I will refund you 25% of what you paid. The same offer is open to your friend. 

What is Life Coaching?

Unlike counselling or therapy, which focus on dealing with mental health, difficult emotions or trauma, life coaching is not a medical discipline - it helps people overcome every day challenges and achieve their goals.

Life coaches (or personal coaches) often specialise in a specific area such as career, relationships or fitness. I specialise in work-life balance & fulfillment!

Coaching is very effective for a number of reasons.

The coach brings focus and dedication to the client’s goal – through listening, questioning and reflection, we create a discussion that deepens awareness of the challenge and reveals solutions. Coaching provides a structure and framework, which is nearly impossible to achieve independently, and helps the client hold themselves accountable for the change they want to achieve, encouraging them to set goals, make realistic plans and take action.

The coach and the coachee agree the objective, identify what needs to be done and then create an actionable plan to achieve it. The responsibility to achieve the objective is with the client, the coach is there to facilitate the process and help them reach their desired outcome.

As a result of coaching, clients learn more about themselves and what they want from life overall, as well as discovering more confidence and certainty.

Not sure about coaching? Check out this guest post on my blog from one of my clients.

Get in touch

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